Anger Management
Anger is a primal emotion that young children, toddlers and even babies experience and as we develop so does our anger. Anger can get the best of us and can lead to unsavory words, thoughts, behaviours that are unwanted. With Anger management we learn not how to repress the anger but how to cope with anger effectively and in a proactive way that fits to each individual as anger has different levels so the management of anger needs to match that as well.
How can Anger Management help me?
Relaxation: Gives your physical body rest from the symptoms of anger like headaches, stomach problems, tightness.
Control: Giving you the power of the emotion to learn to work though anger
Behaviours: Learning different ways of expressing one’s anger such as boxing or painting
Identity: Understanding anger to see if it is truly anger or another emotion masked as Anger such as frustration or disappointment.