Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

All relationships have problems and difficulties, and sometimes everything can seem too overwhelming. That is the first line above is in a Blog you can find on our website.

Couples Therapy does come with people being hesitant, whether it is both individuals, one or the other and even outside factors such as family and friends. The purpose of couple’s therapy to is uncover and understand one another. While that sounds simple… is it truly? Feeling unheard, cheating, lying, ingoring, the “why” flies in and around our head, but in couples therapy we want to understand not just the “why” but the “how.”

There will be fair fighting rules within couples sessions as emotions will flare, but the benefit in couples therapy is the development of yourself for the relationship. We aim to help you not just hear and understand, but comprehend the impact you have in the relationship, we look to provide you with tools to be proactive in not avoiding issues, but dealing with them before they become a problem. The benefits of couples therapy are listed below but are not limited too

About My Approach to Couples

No relationship is easy and no relationship is easy. Here at Christie Heart I try to understand both individuals as individuals not as a unit. At times we forget that we are independent when we are wrapped into what is known as life and I want to highlight and pull that out of both of you.

It can be scary when opening up and communicating your wants and needs when you believe your partner feels differently, but I am here to tell you, that is what will make you both stronger.

In my sessions I will ensure both of you feel heard, supported, protected and validated. Will there be times where you feel maybe I am spending more time on your or your partner… yes. But I say is I am trying to pull things out. Just like how I trust over time you both will be about to communicate, I ask that you trust me with trying to assist both of you. No two people are the same and the approach may be different, but the respect I give is the same.

Throughout our time, I always say and especially with couples “get comfortable in the uncomfortable.” So often we try to avoid, but in our sessions we will often take the direct approach. There will be times where we laugh, smile, but times where we will be upset and cry. But together in a non-judgement, open environment, my goal is to ensure both of you feel that within your allotted time with me.

The benefits of couples therapy are listed below but are not limited too,

  • Communication difficulties

  • Feeling Unheard

  • Pointing the finger

  • Sexual difficulties

  • Cheating

  • Money issues

  • Rekindling the spark

  • Being Parents and Parenting styles/differences

  • Difficulties opening up

  • Trust Issues

  • Life decisions/Transitions

  • Quality time

  • Family relationships

Madea talking about the 80/20 rule In relationships

We want you to remember why you both are together, what is the purpose, what is the benefit? We will explore various ways to find the areas to get you both to a neutral standing and while that may take time, here at Christie Heart we reinforce being at a neutral point as that means process can be seen, heard and made.

Still unsure about couples therapy? That’s okay, please see some resources below to help you decide.




You may still have more questions for Christie Heart; please see below what you can expect within our sessions.

Solution Focusing: We will look towards the problem throughout the sessions. Pointing fingers will be turned on the problem not the person.

Respectful and Safe Voices: Throughout our time, there will be times of challenging and emotions flaring, but we teach our partners with the respect we want from them. Yelling and showing emotions is encouraged, but speaking to your partner is a must.

EFT: Emotional Focused Therapy a standard for couples therapy that Nigel himself has taken training in to help healing and explore emotions and reactions to the event and hones in on the importance of understanding. Emotions and Attachments are to be explored using said modality.

Comprehending your co-pilot: We will work on understanding the reactions, behaviours, feelings, emotions demonstrated by your partner. One may not like the reaction, but having the understanding of the antecedent and then developing how to react to their situation.

Building Blocks: Throughout the session, there will be strategies/techniques provided and practiced in session to develop communication on various topics. Through practice and resource development these skills will become the building blocks for your future with concerns.

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