Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss for most can feel catastrophic where is the loss of a loved one and even loss of a precious materialistic item. Grief comes in many different forms through stonewalling, sadness, happyness, anger, in many other different emotions one could think of. Grief is a long process that can feel endless but overtime those feelings start to come back and we look to focus on your current feelings and how to give meaning.

How can Grief and Loss work help me?

Finding Meaning: Meaning is in everything and finding your meaning for your grief allows for a process of closure.

Validation: Understanding your feelings and grief are valid and your process of grief is normal.

Emotions: Allowing yourself to explore those emotions you hold close and exploring fears you may have.

Life Changes: Acceptance is a difficult piece, but learning on how to walk forward with a change and learning to create resilience and happiness for yourself.

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