Depression: The state of having low energy, loss of interest, lack of pleasure and feelings of hurt and sadness are all a part of what depression presents. Depression has a hold over thousands of individuals but is treatable and improvable with the right methods and tools. Depression has many different forms and faces as seen below
Seasonal Depression: Known as Seasonal affective disorder wherein due to change in weather, climate and season one’s abilities resulting in lower moods.
Major Depressive Disorder: Characterized by loss of pleasure, lack of appetite, inability to think and focus accordingly, with other aspects diminished per person.
Atypical Depression: Similar to Major Depressive, but with increased appetite and or significant weight gain, excessive sleeping, increased sensitivity to rejection, criticism, feedback.
Postpartum Depression: A form of depression experienced by some women after giving birth.

You’ve got two legs and a heartbeat. What’s stopping you? – Inuyasha