Trauma: Trauma is when we experience very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control. Trauma can stem from an ongoing experience, a past experience, or multiple experiences, causing physiological, physical, and emotional dysregulation. There are various forms and levels of trauma.
Acute Trauma: A singular event that is brief in the length of time, such as a natural disaster, or mass shooting.
Chronic Trauma: Prolonged exposure to repeated events such as bombings and physical abuse as examples.
Physical Trauma: A serious injury to the body such as with a gun or baseball bat.
Blunt Force: Force strikes resulting in broken bones, swellings, and concussions.
Penetrating Force: Object pierces the body, cutting into the skin.
Sexual Trauma: An event in which sexual violations invoking substantial distress such as unwanted touching, rape, forcing sexual favours.
Medical Trauma: A negative experience from situations with the medical system, such as the loss of a loved one, improper medical professionals, or Further Injury.
Complex PTSD: Prolonged and multiple traumatic events occurring presently or within the past. Presents typically in childhood, abuse, death within the family, and natural disasters as examples.

Trauma doesn’t disappear when you ignore it – Stephanie M. Hutchins